10 October 2022
Strong BARC performance at NCPC 2022
Several BARC members had a lot of fun on 8 October 2022 for the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest.

Team Balloon Animals, including BARC Ph.D. students Shuyi Yan and David Rasmussen Lolck, won the entire contest and thereby the titles of 2022 Nordic Champions of competitive programming, best student team at NCPC, and the Danish Championships in programming (Danmarksmesterskaberne i programmering)
Other BARCies participated in teams Rainbow Unicode Warriors (11th overall, Thore), På hat og briller (15th overall, Christian), and Coming Soon (19th overall, Jonas, Krzysztof and Jakob Tejs).
It was a ton of fun for all of the 200 participating teams, and BARC is proud as a button.
Photos by Jonas Ø. Klausen