19 January 2024

Nutan Limaye receives prestigious ACM award


Nutan Limaye receives the ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman (OCCW) Award for her exceptional contributions to computational complexity, and her active encouragement and mentoring of women in the field.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India Council, a subunit of the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, aimed at increasing the level and visibility of ACM activities across India, has awarded ITU Associate Professor and BARC Steering Committee Member Nutan Limaye the 2023 Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman (OCCW) Award.

The award recognizes women professionals who have made fundamental, innovative, and impactful contributions to the field of computing and gender-diversity, while primarily working in India. Nutan has made many landmark contributions to the field of computational complexity and has successfully proved strong lower bounds for multiple restricted models of computation, significantly improving on prior work. In addition to her scholarly work, Nutan Limaye produces a podcast at ITU called Life of a Researcher which focusses on researchers and their diverse research journeys.

Nutan Limaye at BARC

If you would like to connect with Nutan you can email her nuli@itu.dk
