3 December 2021

Mikkel Abrahamsen receives a DFF grant


Assistant Professor Mikkel Abrahamsen has received a grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark of 6.2 million DKK for his project "Algorithms for Packing and Decomposition Problems".

In a world of limited resources, it is important to have a good understanding of packaging and decomposition issues and how we deal with them. Assistant Professor Mikkel Abrahamsen from DIKU’s AC section and member of BARC received a considerable grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark of 6.2 million kroner to investigate how algorithms can be used to solve packaging and decomposition problems.

The goal is to focus on how we can develop effective algorithms that use less electricity and exploit better space and materials. In packing problems, some objects must be arranged so that they take up as little space as possible, for instance in order to make them fit in a given container. In decomposition problems, we want to describe a given complex form using simpler forms. Packing problems often occur in our daily lives and also in many large industries whereas decomposition problems often occur in other fields of computer science, such as computer graphics and computer vision. The project aims both to develop better algorithms for the problems and to understand the limits of how well they can be solved.

The grant is awarded under the Sapere Aude program, which allows the most prominent, younger researchers to lead their own research team and carry out their original research at a high international level.

Click here to learn more about the project.

Portrait of Mikkel Abrahamsen, photo by Morten Larsen, DFF
Mikkel Abrahamsen, photo by Morten Larsen, DFF