13 September 2018

BARC members get both ESA Track A best paper awards

Best paper awards

Jacob Holm and Maximilian Probst both received ESA Track A best paper awards at ALGO'18, Helsinki, Finland.

Jacob HolmJacob Holm has in cooperation with Giuseppe F. Italiano, Adam Karzmarz, Jakub Lacki and Eva Rotenborg received the "ESA track A best paper" for the article "Decremental SPQR-trees for Planar Graphs". 

At the same time, Jacob has submitted his PhD thesis and we are pleased that he continues in BARC as a postdoc.

Maximilian Probst

Maximilian Probst  received the "ESA track A best student paper" for the article "On the Complexity of the (Approximate) Nearest Colored Node Problem"

Each year at ESA, awards are given for the "Best paper" and "Best student paper" in each of the two tracks. Track A is about the "Design and mathematical analysis of algorithms", and Track B is about "Real-world applications, engineering and experimental analysis of algorithms". This year, both best paper awards for Track A went to BARC members.

Congratulations to both of them!

Read more about the ALGO'18, program etc. here.