André Nusser joins BARC
BARC welcomes Postdoc André Nusser to the team.
BARC welcomes new DIKU postdoc André who joined the team on December 1, 2021 and is fundet both by BARC and Christian Wulff-Nilsens' Sapere Aude grant. André is interested in a diverse range of topics with a focus on algorithm design, fine-grained lower bounds, and algorithm engineering in computational geometry, in particular, sequence and point set similarity measures. In other words there will be ample opportunities for exciting collaborations!
Following the recently successful usage of dynamic algorithm as subroutines in algorithms in computational geometry, he plans to further dive into this area while also following his curiosity and motivation to wherever it leads him. Before André joined BARC, he was a PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany, supervised by Karl Bringmann.
When not doing research, André climbs high walls, tries to walk on highlines, reads books, and enjoys music.