BARC talk by Holger Dell

Thursday, 5 December 2019, Holger Dell, Associate Professor at ITU who joined the BARC team in june, will give his introduction talk on "Counting and Sampling Small Structures in Large Networks".

Counting and Sampling Small Structures in Large Networks

This talk gives an overview of some algorithmic methods that are used to count or sample small subgraphs in a large input graph. In particular, we will cover methods based on graph homomorphisms (Curticapean, D, Marx 2017), abstract algebra (Brand, D, and Husfeldt 2018), and questions about the relationship between the fine-grained complexities of sampling and detection (D, Lapinskas, and Meeks 2019).

Holger joined ITU as an associate professor in June 2019 and most of his research focuses on algorithms for computationally hard problems, which includes aspects of fine-grained and parameterized complexity theory. He is particularly interested in graphs, the satisfiability problem, counting, and the algorithmic foundations of network science.Before joining ITU, Holger was an independent research group leader at Saarland University, where he supervised two successful PhD students. Holger received his PhD in 2011 at Humboldt University and was a postdoc at UW Madison, the CNRS lab IRIF at Paris Diderot, and at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley.